Formation and funding of the RJ Center
The RJ Center was formed through a seed grant in 2011 from the new Division of Equity and Inclusion. As we grew, we were supported by funds from the VC of Student Affairs discretionary funding, and later, the Wellness fund and CACCSF.
Our mission
The mission of the Restorative Justice Center is to create opportunities for people to connect on deeper levels by sharing stories, engaging in deep listening, and developing respectful relationships, and community-based strategies for responding to conflict and harm. When harm occurs, we offer processes for understanding impacts and needs, and taking accountability in ways that result in transformation and repair. We believe that an increased emphasis on these principles and practices in our communities can improve climate, equity and inclusivity, and reduce harm in the short and long terms.
To complete this mission, we collaborate with partners across the UC campus and Bay Area to provide education, research, trainings and services in Restorative Justice and Restorative Practice. Through these efforts, we are building a sustainable network of RJ leaders, practitioners and supporters to increase capacity in the RJ field, build intentional communities of care, and facilitate restorative responses to conflict and harm caused by social justice inequities.

RJ responses to conflict and harm

Training, education and outreach in RJ

Research on RJ Issues and campus policies

Community partnerships with local organizations and other colleges and universities in the area (pictured: Bay Area RJ group RJOY)

Truth and Reconciliation responses to institutional/structural harms